Property | ||||||
ChartWidth | Width of the chart, in pixels.
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ChartHeight | Height of the chart, in pixels.
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EnableInteractivity | Whether the chart throws user-based events or reacts to user interaction. If false, the chart will not throw 'select' or other interaction-based events (but will throw ready or error events), and will not display hovertext or otherwise change depending on user input.
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FontName | The default font face for all text in the chart. You can override this using properties for specific chart elements.
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FontSize | The default font size, in pixels, of all text in the chart. You can override this using properties for specific chart elements.
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ForcelFrame | Draws the chart inside an inline frame. (Note that on IE8, this option is ignored; all IE8 charts are drawn in i-frames.)
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ReverseCategories | If true, draws slices counterclockwise. The default is to draw clockwise.
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Title | Text to display above the chart.
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TitlePosition | Where to place the chart title, compared to the chart area. Supported values:
Konfiguration Farben
Properties | ||||||
Colors | The colors to use for the chart elements. An array of strings, where each element is an HTML color string, for example:
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Background | The background color for the main area of the chart. Can be either a simple HTML color string, for example: