You can extend an XdevTable using generated columns at runtime. Generated columns allow you to export additional values and integrate random UI components in an XdevTable, e.g. additional actions.

Create a generated column

  1. Select the XdevTable in which you want to integrate a generated column.
  2. Navigate to Properties > Entity > Properties and click on ....
  3. In the Properties wizard, click on the Add generated column option.
  4. Select New.
  5. Specify a name for the generated column in the Name field; e.g., GeneratedColumn.
  6. Under Template, select one of the three available column generator templates.

  7. Click on Finish to generate the column.
  8. Click on Finish to integrate the generated column in the XdevTable.
  9. In the  Properties click on OK.

Under Template there are three generated column templates from which to choose.


Create a generated column in the Project Management

  1. Click Create a new GUI element in Project Management > User Interface.
  2. Under Name, choose a name for your  UI component, e.g. PurchaseButton
  3. Under Template, select Table Column Generator with UI.
  4. Click Finish.