Patchnotes Version 3.2

Patchnotes Version 3.2


  • Reworked "Palette": The whole palette were rework and improved.
    • "Code Palette" and "UI Palette" are now full customizable. By clicking on the triangle at the top of the view and choosing "Customize Palette" the customization wizard would be occoure.
    • New created ui beans are no longer automaticly added as a sub conponent to its inherited component in the palette. The new bean has to be added manualy using the wizard.
    • The changes of the palette provides also significant performance boost using the ui builder. Because it is no longer neccesary to read all the classes for possible ui beans.
  • Now it is possible to create and handle fieldgroups with normal POJO´s. In the past the @Entity annotation was required to open the fieldgroup wizard after dragging the pojo in the UI-Builder. This is no longer required.
  • Now it is possible to connect (XdevTable: ConnectedForm) a XdevTable with a form based on a normal pojo. There is no longer an "entity" required.
  • The whole cloud functionality of the IDE were disabled because of a temporary canceling of the XdevCloud Service.
  • The searchtext behavior of the ContainerFilterComponent has been changed. The words typed in this field are no longer connected with AND if these words are seperated by a blankspace. Now these words are connected with an OR.
  • We added two new comparison operators to the ContainerFilterComponent for all filter functions and all datatypes. "Is empty" and "Is not empty" will work for: empty String ("") or null value (null/not null).
  • We added a new property to the ContainerFilterComponent. With "PrefixMatchOnly" deactivated it is possible to search for any string at any position within the text without using wildcards.


  • The usage of upper case letters in packages names leads no longer to a mistake of usage UI-Beans which were inside these package and dragged on the UI-Builder.
  • The "Unhandled event loop exception" occured every 10 seconds of the IDE has been fixed.
  • The methode "setSearchText()" of the ContainerFilterComponent is now working as expected. After using this methode the filter is refreshing.
  • The usage of strings and escape chars within JPA-SQL Statement is now working as expected.
  • The usage of Limit- and Offset functionality within a JPA-SQL Statement which values are passed by parameters is now working as expected.
  • Sometimes when a ui component is moved from one container to another it loses some property values. This has been fixed.
  • There is no longer a "NullPointerException" within a Master/Detail (XdevTable -> XdevTable) after deselcting a row of the master table.
  • The width of the import dialog to get the RapidClipse examples hast been fixed.

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