JPA-SQL Sprach-Spezifikation
JPA-SQL Sprach-Spezifikation
* 0 or more
+ 1 or more
? optional
| or
& and, without defined order
RQL is case-sensitive.
Script: ImportStatement* QueryMethod* ; ImportStatement: 'import' QualifiedName; QueryMethod: DocComment? ID '(' (Parameter (',' Parameter)*)? ')' '{' SelectStatement '}' ; Parameter: Type ID; Type: PrimitiveType | QualifiedName ; SelectStatement: ( SelectClause? & FromClause ) JoinClause* ( WhereClause? & GroupByClause? & OrderByClause? & OffsetClause? & LimitClause? & ResultClause? & LockModeClause? & FetchClause? & IntoClause? ) ; SelectClause: 'select' 'distinct'? Selection; Selection: '*' | SelectionElement (',' SelectionElement)* ; SelectionElement: Expression Alias?; FromClause: 'from' FromElement (',' FromElement)*; FromElement: QualifiedName Alias?; JoinClause: JoinType? 'join' JoinElement Alias? OnClause?; JoinElement: AttributeRef; OnClause: 'on' Condition; WhereClause: 'where' Condition; GroupByClause: 'group' 'by' GroupByElement (',' GroupByElement)* HavingClause?; GroupByElement: Expression; HavingClause 'having' Condition; OrderByClause: 'order' 'by' OrderByElement (',' OrderByElement)*; OrderByElement: Expression Order?; OffsetClause: 'offset' PaginationValue; LimitClause: 'limit' PaginationValue; PaginationValue: IntegerLiteral | ParameterRef ; ResultClause: 'result' ResultCount; LockModeClause: 'lockmode' LockModeType; FetchClause: 'fetch' FetchElement (',' FetchElement)*; FetchElement: AttributeRef; IntoClause: 'into' Type | 'tuple'; Alias: 'as' ID; Condition: ConditionalOR; ConditionalOR: ConditionalAND ('or' ConditionalAND)*; ConditionalAND: ConditionalNOT ('and' ConditionalNOT)*; ConditionalNOT: ConditionalPrimary | ('not' ConditionalPrimary); ConditionalPrimary: ('(' ConditionalOR ')') | BooleanExpression ; BooleanExpression: Expression ( (ComparisonOperator ComparisonExpressionRight) | ('between' Expression 'and' Expression) | ('like' Expression ('escape' Expression)?) | ('in' '(' CollectionExpression ')') ) | ('exists' '(' SubQuery ')') ; ComparisonExpressionRight: Expression | CollectionComparisonExpression ; CollectionComparisonExpression: CollectionComparisonFunction '(' SubQuery ')'; CollectionExpression: (Expression (',' Expression)*) | SubQuery ; Expression: ArithmeticLine; ArithmeticLine: ArithmeticTerm (AddSubOperator ArithmeticTerm)*; ArithmeticTerm: ArithmeticFactor (MultDivOperator ArithmeticFactor)*; ArithmeticFactor: ArithmeticPrimary | (AddSubOperator ArithmeticPrimary); ArithmeticPrimary: ('(' (ArithmeticLine | SubQuery) ')') | AttributeRef | Literal | Function | AggregateExpression ; Function: LengthFunction | LocateFunction | ModFunction | AbsFunction | SizeFunction | SqrtFunction | UpperFunction | LowerFunction | ConcatFunction | SubstringFunction | TrimFunction | CurrentDateFunction | CurrentTimeFunction | CurrentTimestampFunction | CustomFunction ; LengthFunction: 'length' '(' Expression ')'; LocateFunction: 'locate' '(' Expression ',' Expression (',' Expression)? ')'; ModFunction: 'mod' '(' Expression ',' Expression ')'; AbsFunction: 'abs' '(' Expression ')'; SizeFunction: 'size' '(' Expression ')'; SqrtFunction: 'sqrt' '(' Expression ')'; UpperFunction: 'upper' '(' Expression ')'; LowerFunction: 'lower' '(' Expression ')'; ConcatFunction: 'concat' '(' Expression ',' Expression ')'; SubstringFunction: 'substring' '(' Expression ',' Expression (',' Expression)? ')'; TrimFunction: 'trim' '(' TrimSpecifiction? Expression? 'from' Expression ')'; // since 3.1.1 CustomFuction: 'function' '(' StringLiteral ',' Type (',' Expression)* ')' CurrentDateFunction: 'current_date' ('(' ')')?; CurrentTimeFunction: 'current_time' ('(' ')')?; CurrentTimestampFunction: 'current_timestamp' ('(' ')')?; SubQuery: ( SelectClause? & FromClause ) ( WhereClause? & GroupByClause? & OrderByClause? & OffsetClause? & LimitClause? ) ; AggregateExpression: AggregateFunction '(' Expression ')'; AttributeRef: AttributeRefStart ('.' AttributeRefPart)*; AttributeRefStart: SimpleName | ParameterRef ; AttributeRefPart: SimpleName; SimpleName: ID; QualifiedName: ID ('.' ID)*; ParameterRef: ':' Parameter; Literal: NumericLiteral | StringLiteral | CharacterLiteral | BooleanLiteral | NullLiteral; NumericLiteral: IntegerLiteral | DoubleLiteral; IntegerLiteral: INT; DoubleLiteral: DOUBLE; StringLiteral: STRING; CharacterLiteral: CHAR; BooleanLiteral: 'true'|'false'; NullLiteral: 'null'; enum PrimitiveType: byte | short | int | long | float | double | boolean | char; enum JoinType: inner | left | right; enum Order: asc | desc; enum AggregateFunction: avg | min | max | sum | sumAsLong | sumAsDouble | count | countDistinct; enum CollectionComparisonFunction: all | any | some; enum TrimSpecifiction: both | // default leading | trailing; enum AddSubOperator plus='+' | minus='-'; enum MultDivOperator: mult='*' | div='/'; enum ComparisonOperator: lessThan='<' | greaterThan='>' | lessEqual='<=' | greaterEqual='>=' | equal='=' | notEqual='!=' | notEqual2='<>' ; enum ResultCount: list | // default single; enum LockModeType: NONE='none' | READ='read' | WRITE='write' | OPTIMISTIC='optimistic' | OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT='optimisticForceIncrement' | PESSIMISTIC_READ='pessimisticRead' | PESSIMISTIC_WRITE='pessimisticWrite' | PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT='pessimisticForceIncrement' ;
, multiple selections available,
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