


  • Füllen von Daten

  • Properties


Detaillierte Information finden Sie zusätzlich hier: https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/wordtree

Beispiel: Füllen der Daten

final ChartModel model = ChartModel.New() .addColumn(Column.New(Column.Type.NUMBER, "idColumn")) .addColumn(Column.New(Column.Type.STRING, "textColumn")) .addColumn(Column.New(Column.Type.NUMBER, "parentColumn")) .addColumn(Column.New(Column.Type.NUMBER, "sizeColumn")) .addColumn(Column.New(Column.Type.STRING, "styleColumn", Role.STYLE)); model.addRow(0, "Life", -1, 1, "black"); model.addRow(1, "Archaea", 0, 1, "black"); model.addRow(2, "Eukarya", 0, 5, "black"); model.addRow(3, "Bacteria", 0, 1, "black"); model.addRow(4, "Crenarchaeota", 1, 1, "black"); model.addRow(5, "Euryarchaeota", 1, 1, "black"); model.addRow(6, "Korarchaeota", 1, 1, "black"); model.addRow(7, "Nanoarchaeota", 1, 1, "black"); model.addRow(8, "Thaumarchaeota", 1, 1, "black"); model.addRow(9, "Amoebae", 2, 1, "black"); model.addRow(10, "Plants", 2, 1, "black"); model.addRow(11, "Chromalveolata", 2, 1, "black"); model.addRow(12, "Opisthokonta", 2, 5, "black"); model.addRow(13, "Rhizaria", 2, 1, "black"); model.addRow(14, "Excavata", 2, 1, "black"); model.addRow(15, "Animalia", 12, 5, "black"); model.addRow(16, "Fungi", 12, 2, "black"); model.addRow(17, "Parazoa", 15, 2, "black"); model.addRow(18, "Eumetazoa", 15, 5, "black"); model.addRow(19, "Radiata", 18, 2, "black"); model.addRow(20, "Bilateria", 18, 5, "black"); model.addRow(21, "Orthonectida", 20, 2, "black"); model.addRow(22, "Rhombozoa", 20, 2, "black"); model.addRow(23, "Acoelomorpha", 20, 1, "black"); model.addRow(24, "Deuterostomia", 20, 5, "black"); model.addRow(25, "Chaetognatha", 20, 2, "black"); model.addRow(26, "Protostomia", 20, 2, "black"); model.addRow(27, "Chordata", 24, 5, "black"); model.addRow(28, "Hemichordata", 24, 1, "black"); model.addRow(29, "Echinodermata", 24, 1, "black"); model.addRow(30, "Xenoturbellida", 24, 1, "black"); model.addRow(31, "Vetulicolia", 24, 1, "black"); this.wordTreeChart.setModel(model);

API und Methoden:






A list of three colors, specified either by English name or hex value. The colors for words will be taken from a spectrum that begins at the first color (the low value), moves through the middle color (neutral), and ends at the last color (high).

This property works only if there are not explicit colors set like above.



The word tree typeface.



The upper limit for font size of displayed words.


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