Beispiel füllen der Daten:
//Each combochart needs a basic type //Possible types: SeriesType.BARS, SeriesType.AREA, SeriesType.STEPPED_AREA, SeriesType.LINE, SeriesType.CANDLESTICKS this.comboChart.setSeriesType(SeriesType.BARS); //Further an unlimited amount of subseries can be added //The first parameter "Index", defines the column. In the following case, the "avarage" column. this.comboChart.addSeries(5, ComboSeries.New(SeriesType.LINE)); final ChartModel model = ChartModel.New() .addColumn(Column.New(Type.STRING, "year", "Jahr")) .addColumn(Column.New(Type.NUMBER, "bolivia", "Bolivia")) .addColumn(Column.New(Type.NUMBER, "ecuador", "Ecuador")) .addColumn(Column.New(Type.NUMBER, "madagascar", "Madagascar")) .addColumn(Column.New(Type.NUMBER, "papua New Guinea", "Papua New Guinea")) .addColumn(Column.New(Type.NUMBER, "rwanda", "Rwanda")) .addColumn(Column.New(Type.NUMBER, "average", "Average")); model.addRow("2004/05", 165, 938, 522, 998, 450, 614.6); model.addRow("2005/06", 135, 1120, 599, 1268, 288, 682); model.addRow("2006/07", 157, 1167, 587, 807, 397, 623); model.addRow("2007/08", 139, 1110, 615, 968, 215, 609.4); model.addRow("2008/09", 136, 691, 629, 1026, 366, 569.6); //Setzen des Models comboChart.setModel(model);
API und Methoden:
Properties | |
Series Configuration | As mentioned above a series is like a native Bar-, Line-, Area-, SteppedArea- or CandlestickChart. Because of this they have the same posibilities form configuration. Here an example: ComboSeries series = ComboSeries.Builder() .areaOpacity(0.5) .color("red") .curveType(CurveType.FUNCTION) .labelInLegend(true) .lineDashStyle(Arrays.asList(4,4,4)) .lineWidth(5) .build(); this.comboChart.addSeries(5, series); And there are a lot more properties to configure specific series. See LineChart, BarChart, AreaChart, CandlestickChart |
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