Global Rights Management

Global Rights Management

All rights that you define in your project are managed in Project Management > Business Objects in the AuthorizationResources.java class. This class is automatically generated when you link a UI component to a user right, for the first time, e.g. an XdevButton Save with the CustomerSave right.

package com.company.example.business;

import com.xdev.security.authorization.Resource;
import com.xdev.security.authorization.ResourceEnum;
import com.xdev.security.authorization.ui.Authorization;

 * Central collection of all authorization resources used in the project.
public enum AuthorizationResources implements ResourceEnum<AuthorizationResources> {

	 * Helper method to export all resource names.
	 * <p>
	 * Right click and select 'Run As' - 'Java Application'
	 * </p>
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		for (AuthorizationResources value : AuthorizationResources.values()) {

	// implementation details //

	private final String name;
	private Resource resource;

	private AuthorizationResources(final String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public String resourceName() {
		return this.name;

	public Resource resource() {
		if (this.resource == null) {
			this.resource = Authorization.resource(this.name);

		return this.resource;

Add rights

You can add further rights when connecting a UI component to a right by using the wizard or by simply adding other rights to this class.

package com.company.example.business;

import com.xdev.security.authorization.Resource;
import com.xdev.security.authorization.ResourceEnum;
import com.xdev.security.authorization.ui.Authorization;

 * Central collection of all authorization resources used in the project.
public enum AuthorizationResources implements ResourceEnum<AuthorizationResources> {

Show all rights

The class AuthorizationResources contains a Main method that can start. By default, all rights are printed to the console so that you can use them further, e.g. save them in your database. 

  1. Right-click the code of the class AuthorizationResources.
  2. Select Run As > Java Application in the following context menu.
  • Generate Insert Statements - You can generate either insert statements for your database and other formats of your choice.

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